Georgia Gardner, The Metric is Breath - Tempo di Respiro (video still), 2021.
The Metric is Breath - Tempo di Respiro
2021, video, Zoom performance.
I position preparation at the centre of my performance practice, teasing the neoliberal ideal of striving, and sensitising the construction of normality.
Recognising familiar gestures as glimpses of unfiltered embodiment, habitual action becomes profound. I propose breath as an anchor and means of rebellion. Re- appropriating bodily metaphors such as the economic pulse, and performative conventions such as common time (4/4), The Metric is Breath diverges from institutional rhythms, leaning into the internal metre of breath. Prioritising embodiment - I trust the body as my authority. The plurality of human-ness underpins the performance and is magnified by the contingent context of performance in a pandemic.